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Shelbee Clarke Heads to Warsaw

Amp Futbol Polska is hosting a women's training camp this weekend in celebration of International Women's Day.

The camp will be held over two days with a variety of training drills and game practice. The weekend provides an opportunity to train with the Polish women’s team and celebrate being a female within the amputee football space.

Shelbee Clarke, 28, is England’s only senior female amputee player. She has previously represented Peterborough having made history coming off the bench in the FA Disability Cup final, and now plays for Chelsea. Clarke has found support and has forged strong friendships within the amputee football community.

‘I wouldn’t be where I am without the community’.

Images: LAJ Photography

Clarke will be sporting The EAFA kit and will be filming as much as she can to promote the event across the country. Clarke feels the support from her peers to help put her into this position has been nothing short of incredible.

‘My friends and family, including the amputee community, have helped raise money for the flights – without the community I don’t think it would be possible.’

Being the first camp of its kind, Clarke is extremely excited to take part, and is hoping that there will be many more to follow.

‘It’s still blowing my mind that I’m even going. It’s the first time, and I’m hoping, the first of many.’

Clarke feels it is important to promote the sport to as many women as possible. She understands that many may be nervous to take the first step in getting involved but urges anyone who would wish to take part in future events to reach out.

‘The community is so welcoming – They all look out for me and that’s what the whole community is like. It is a family’.

She is keen to use this opportunity to continue to raise awareness for the sport and hopes to help create the UK’s first women’s team in the near future.

‘If I can get more women involved, and get a team together, that would be the greatest achievement I could hope for.’

If you're interested in playing amputee football in England, please contact us here.

Sam Condy


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